Help us do more to support fortification research, publication and restoration projects by donating to the FSG grant fund on a one-off or regular basis. 

You can learn more about our grant programme and see the projects we have previously supported on our charitable activity page where we will also report on the future projects that your donation will help fund. 

We intend to regularly invite grant applications and we expect to use your donation for the next set of grants. However, if there are insufficient quality applications for this round of grants we will roll over unspent donations to the next round.

You can donate direct to our dedicated fundraising bank account for which we pay no fees or by credit card.

If you are a UK taxpayer please gift-aid your donation as this allows us to claim an additional 25% to add to your donation. 

We can assure you that 100% of your donations (after any credit card fees) will be used to support FSG charitable activity. As a volunteer organisation our charitable activity has no administration costs.

In 2025 FSG will match your donations up to a total of £3000 with the aim of having £6000 to offer in grants. 

We will also keep you informed about our grant programme through our newsletters (unless you choose to opt out).

To donate by bank transfer

Please use the following details for the FSG fundraising account

BankMetro Bank 
Sort Code23-05-80
Account Number 55490252
Reference Use your name 

Also please email [email protected] if you are able to gift aid your donation. Also email the treasurer if you experience any difficulty with the account details.

To donate by credit card 

Make a one-off donation

Make a monthly donation

If you are a UK taxpayer please tick the box to gift-aid your donation as this allows us to claim an additional 25% to add to your donation. 

Thank you for your support. 

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact

[email protected]

This appeal is made by the Fortress Study Group CIO which is a registered charity, No 1194017

The Fortress Study Group CIO is a registered charity, No 1194017.
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