The British Civil War Memorial database is now live, and be accessed at https://www.battlefieldstrust.com/memorial/
This is a joint venture between the Battlefields Trust, the Cromwell Association, the Fortress Study Group, the John Hampden Society, the National Civil War Centre, the Pike and Shot Society, the Scottish Battlefields Trust, and the Sealed Knot.
This database provides information about monuments and memorials relating to events and key figures associated with the British Civil Wars (1639-1660). It also covers monuments located anywhere in the world relating to soldiers who fought in the wars. The database currently contains 160 entries.
The intention is, in time, that the database will become a key resource for those interested in the commemoration of the British Civil Wars, and as a guide for those visiting Civil Wars-related sites.
This is an ongoing and developing initiative, and public contributions are encouraged and welcomed. There is an on-line submission form on the website front page.
The Fortress Study Group provided a grant to support this project as part of our Charitable Activity.